crossorigin="anonymous">     crossorigin="anonymous"> One of these days questions and answers 2025

One of these days questions and answers 2025

One of these Days Questions and Answers

1) Who is the writer of the short story “One of these Days”?

1. George Orwell
2. Maya Angelou
3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
4. James Joyce

2) Who is the main character of this story?

1. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
2. Aurelio Marquez
3. Gabriel Escovar
4. Aurelio Escovar

3) What is the occupation of the Aurelio Escovar?

1. Dentist
2. Mayor
3. Police
4. Doctor

4) When did he open his office?

1. Around 4 a.m.
2. At 6 a.m.
3. At 4 p.m.
4. At 6 p.m.

5) What was the dentist doing for two hours?

1. He was treating his patients.
2. He was arranging his tools.
3. He was polishing the set of teeth with a drill.
4. He was walking anxiously in his room.

6) Who interrupted his work?

1. The mayor of the town
2. His son
3. His wife
4. The assistant

7) Who came to him with a bad tooth?

1. His son
2. The mayor
3. Unknown Traveler
4. Someone from the city.

8) How old was his son?

1. 8 years old
2. 9 years old
3. 10 years old
4. 11 years old

9) What did he do after hearing about the Mayor?

1. He welcomed the Mayor in his office
2. He went and drove off the Mayor
3. He refused to treat the Mayor
4. He ignored the call from Mayor

10) What did the Mayor said to the dentist to intimidate him?

1. That he will call the police
2. That he will cancel his license
3. That he will shoot him
4. That he will close his office

One of these Days Questions and Answers 2025

11) According to the author the mayor was suffering for how long?

1. 5 days
2. 3 days
3. 7 days
4. 2 days

12) Why the dentist was not interested to help the mayor initially?

1. The problem of the mayor was not very critical
2. Other patients were waiting in queue
3. He did not like the mayor for his corruption

4. He was very busy at that moment.

13) What was the approach of the dentist while treating the mayor?

1. He was very eager to ease the pain of the mayor.
2. He was thoroughly arranging his tools
3. He quickly finished the procedure
4. He did not even examine the bad teeth.

14) Why the dentist refused to give anesthesia to the mayor?

1.The dentist ran out of anesthesia
2. The mayor refused to pay for it
3. Anesthesia was not required.
4. The Mayor had an abscess.

15) How the tools for the procedure were sterilized in the story?

1. Using UV rays
2. Using fire
3. Using Hot boiling water
4. The tools were unsterilized.

16) How was the room of the dentist’s office?

1. The room was well maintained
2. The was full of equipment
3. The condition of the room was very poor.
4. The room had plenty of light.

17) Which tooth of the mayor was affected?

1. Lower molar tooth
2. Lower wisdom tooth
3. Upper molar tooth
4. Upper wisdom tooth

18) “Now you’ll pay for our twenty dead men.” – Who said this?

1. Aurelio Escovar
2. The Mayor
3. Another Patient
4.The son of dentist

19) Why was the Mayor crying?

1. Because he was happy
2. Because he was in immense pain
3. Because he realized his mistakes
4. Because something fell in his eyes

One of these Days Questions and Answers

20) “It’s the same damn thing” – who said this?

1. The dentist
2. The Mayor
3. The son
4. None of them

21) “It’s the same damn thing” – what does this line implies?

1. The mayor will pay bill no matter what.
2. The mayor will use the taxpayer’s money to pay the bill
3. The mayor will pay the bill using his own money.
4.The Mayor thinks that the town’s money is his own money.

22) How was the day according to the author?

1. Cold and snowy
2. Rainy and Wet
3. Warm and rainless
4. Windy and comfortable

23) What does the author says about the degree of the dentist?

1. He got his degree from a well-known university.
2. He got his degree from abroad.
3. He did not have a degree
4.His degree was from a local university.

24) What was the dentist started doing after opening his office?

1. He started attending his patients.
2. He started cleaning his office
3.He arranged things on his table
4. He started humming on his own.

25) What do the actions of the dentist say about him?

1.He was very organized 2. He was very clumsy
3. He was not very experienced
4. He does multiples things at the same time.

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