crossorigin="anonymous">     crossorigin="anonymous"> Dream Children essay analysis । Dream Children summary

Dream Children essay analysis । Dream Children summary

Dream Children essay analysis । Dream Children summary

Dream Children: A Reverie

Charles Lamb

Dream Children summary:

Critical Analysis:

A Stylistic Analysis of Lamb’s Dream Children:

On Humour and Pathos as Used by Charles Lamb:


Dream Children- Themes:

  1. Taking into account its subject matter and Godwin’s handling of the narrative structure, were you particularly affected emotionally by “Dream Children”? If so, explain.
  2. Was the ending of the story, with its rhetorical question about Mrs. McNair’s happiness, effective in “wrapping up” the story of her life? Comment either way, or both ways.
  3. What, in your opinion, is the purpose of all the italicized passages throughout the story? Who is saying or thinking those things?

Further Observations:

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