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“War” by Luigi Pirandello MCQ Questions and Answers । W.B

CLASS-XII 3rd Semester Prose “War” by Luigi Pirandello MCQ Suggestion PDF টি পেতে.. আপনি 5 টাকা পেমেন্ট করুন। পেমেন্টের পর এক সেকেন্ডের মধ্যে কাঙ্ক্ষিত সাজেশনটি পাবেন। টাকা টি পেমেন্ট করার জন্য নিচে PAY বাটনে ক্লিক করুন। ধন্যবাদ।

“War” by Luigi Pirandello MCQ Questions and Answers । W.B

1. What is the setting of the story "War"?

a) A hospital
b) A train compartment
c) A battlefield
d) A classroom

2. What is the main theme of "War"?

a) Love
b) Patriotism
c) The impact of war on individuals
d) Adventure

3. What do the passengers in the train compartment have in common?

a) They are all soldiers
b) They all have children fighting in the war
c) They are all escaping from the war
d) They are all government officials

4. How does the fat man in the story react to the death of his son?

a) He is indifferent
b) He is proud and accepting
c) He is devastated and weeping
d) He refuses to believe it

5. What is the fat man's main argument about the soldiers fighting in the war?

a) They are forced to fight
b) They are fighting for their country and should be

c) They are fighting a useless battle
d) They should return home immediately

6. How do the other passengers initially react to the fat man's speech?

a) They agree wholeheartedly
b) They disagree and argue with him
c) They are skeptical and silent
d) They mock him

7. What changes the mood in the train compartment towards the end of the story?

a) A sudden announcement about the war ending
b) The realization of their own grief and loss
c) The arrival of food and drinks
d) A change in weather

8. What is the significance of the title "War"?

a) It reflects the physical battles fought by soldiers
b) It symbolizes the internal conflicts of those left behind
c) It represents political strategies
d) It denotes a period of peace

9. How does Pirandello use dialogue to convey the characters' emotions?

a) Through long monologues
b) Through arguments and debates
c) Through short, impactful conversations
d) Through indirect speech

10. What message does Pirandello convey about the nature of war and loss?

a) War is always justified
b) Loss in war is personal and affects everyone differently
c) War only affects the soldiers fighting
d) Loss in war is negligible

11. What emotion does the wife express when she first speaks in the story?

a) Anger
b) Despair
c) Hope
d) Indifference

12. Which character tries to comfort the wife about her son's fate?

a) The thin man
b) The old man
c) The fat man
d) The conductor

13. What do the characters in the story use to cope with their grief?

a) Humor
b) Denial
c) Philosophical reasoning
d) Anger

14. How does the old man react to the fat man's argument about war?

a) He completely agrees
b) He challenges the fat man's views
c) He remains silent
d) He leaves the compartment

15. What is the significance of the setting in the train compartment?

a) It symbolizes the journey of life
b) It represents the confinement and helplessness of the characters
c) It highlights the luxury of travel
d) It shows the movement towards the front lines

16. How does Pirandello highlight the commonality of the characters' experiences?

a) By describing their physical appearances similarlY
b) By focusing on their shared grief and loss
c) By making them all the same age
d) By placing them in different compartments

17. What literary device is predominantly used in the dialogue of the characters?

a) Irony
b) Metaphor
c) Simile
d) Hyperbole

18. How does the story "War" end?

a) With a sense of hope
b) With a tragic realization
c) With an open-ended question
d) With a resolution of conflict

19. What does the fat man's breakdown at the end symbolize?

a) The futility of war
b) The inevitability of loss
c) The strength of human spirit
d) The unimportance of emotions

War by Luigi Pirandello MCQ Questions and Answers

20. What does the presence of different characters in the compartment represent?

a) The diverse backgrounds of the soldiers
b) The unity of the nation
c) The universal impact of war on families
d) The randomness of train travel

21. What does the wife's question about her son's age reveal about her feelings?

a) Her pride in her son
b) Her denial and hope
c) Her anger towards the war
d) Her indifference to the situation

22. Why do the passengers initially appear detached when discussing their sons at war?

a) They are too tired to care
b) They believe it’s a necessary sacrifice
c) They are masking their true emotions
d) They are proud of their sons' bravery

23. How does the story illustrate the generational impact of war?

a) By focusing on the young soldiers' experiences
b) By highlighting the older generation's detachment
c) By showing both parents and children affected by war
d) By discussing the economic impacts of war

24. Which character in the story remains silent throughout most of the conversation?

a) The fat man
b) The old man
c) The thin man
d) The wife

25. What is the underlying message of the fat man's final outburst?

a) Acceptance of loss is impossible
b) War creates heroes out of ordinary people
c) Grief can never be fully expressed
d) Everyone must move on from loss

26. What role does the fat man's speech play in the narrative?

a) It serves as comic relief
b) It provides a historical context
c) It reveals the complexities of coping with grief
d) It criticizes the government’s role in war

27. What is the significance of the wife's silent reaction at the end?

a) She is indifferent to her son's fate
b) She is overwhelmed by a sudden realization
c) She has accepted her son's death
d) She is angry at the other passengers

28. How does Pirandello use the confined space of the train compartment symbolically?

a) To represent the vastness of war
b) To symbolize the claustrophobia of grief
c) To show the luxury of travel during war
d) To highlight the differences between characters

29. Which aspect of war is most emphasized through the passengers' conversation?

a) The glory and honor of fighting
b) The strategic elements of battles
c) The personal and emotional toll on families
d) The economic impact on the country

30. What does the story suggest about the nature of patriotic sacrifice?

a) It is always celebrated
b) It is often misunderstood
c) It is universally accepted
d) It brings inevitable pain and loss

31. What does the fat man believe is the most honorable thing a son can do?

a) Get a good education
b) Marry and have children
c) Die for his country
d) Take care of his parents

32. How do the passengers' attitudes change as the fat man talks about his son's death?

a) They become more relaxed
b) They become more anxious
c) They become more reflective
d) They become more dismissive

33. What emotion is predominantly felt by the characters in the train compartment?

a) Joy
b) Indifference
c) Grief
d) Anger

34. How does the author portray the different ways people cope with loss?

a) Through their conversations and body language
b) Through their dreams and aspirations
c) Through their letters and diaries
d) Through their actions in battle

35. What is the fat man's final realization at the end of the story?

a) He has moved past his grief
b) He is proud of his son’s sacrifice
c) He cannot escape his sorrow
d) He wishes his son had never gone to war

36. Why does the fat man initially seem to be in denial about his son's death?

a) He has not received official confirmation
b) He believes his son is still alive
c) He is using philosophical reasoning to cope
d) He is trying to console others

37. How does Pirandello explore the theme of communication in the story?

a) By showing miscommunication between characters
b) By emphasizing the lack of words to express deep grief
c) By highlighting the importance of letters
d) By focusing on radio broadcasts from the front lines

38. What does the wife’s persistent questioning reveal about her state of mind?

a) She is in denial and searching for hope
b) She is angry and looking for someone to blame
c) She is indifferent to her son’s fate
d) She is accepting of her son’s death

39. What literary technique does Pirandello use to present the fat man's argument?

a) Flashbacks
b) Stream of consciousness
c) Monologue
d) Dialogue with other characters

40. What does the story suggest about the universal experience of grief during wartime?

a) It is experienced differently by everyone
b) It brings people closer together
c) It is often ignored and overlooked
d) It is the same for everyone

41. What does the term "war" symbolize in the context of the story?

a) Glory and honor
b) Chaos and destruction
c) Adventure and excitement
d) Duty and responsibility

42. How does the fat man's demeanor change throughout the story?

a) He becomes increasingly agitated
b) He remains calm and composed
c) He grows more detached
d) He becomes visibly emotional

43. What role does irony play in the story "War"?

a) It adds humor to the narrative
b) It highlights the absurdity of the characters' beliefs
c) It emphasizes the bravery of the soldiers
d) It underlines the futility of war

44. What is the effect of the confined setting of the train compartment on the characters?

a) It creates a sense of intimacy and shared experience
b) It increases their anxiety and fear
c) It allows them to escape their worries
d) It makes them feel isolated and alone

45. Why does the fat man repeat that his son died a hero?

a) To convince himself of the nobility of the sacrifice
b) To gain sympathy from others
c) To make others jealous
d) To honor his son's memory

a) Religious beliefs
b) Patriotism and duty
c) Personal achievement
d) Scientific reasoning

46. What does the fat man use to rationalize his son's death?

a) Religious beliefs
b) Patriotism and duty
c) Personal achievement
d) Scientific reasoning

47. How do the passengers initially react to the fat man's speech?

a) With applause
b) With anger
c) With indifference
d) With sympathy

48. What does the setting of the story symbolize?

a) The journey of life and the inevitability of death
b) The beauty of nature and the peace it brings
c) The comfort of home and family
d) The chaos of war and its unpredictability

49. What does the fat man claim is the most important thing for his son?

a) To live a long life
b) To die a hero's death
c) To achieve personal success
d) To avoid the war

50. How does the story address the concept of self-deception?

a) By showing the characters' denial of their true feelings
b) By depicting their unwavering confidence
c) By highlighting their physical transformations
d) By focusing on their academic achievements

51. What underlying message does Pirandello convey about war?

a) War is necessary for progress
b) War brings honor to families
c) War causes deep and lasting emotional pain
d) War is an adventure for young men

52. How does the story explore the theme of collective grief?

a) By showing the passengers' shared sorrow
b) By focusing on individual stories of loss
c) By describing national ceremonies
d) By highlighting the media's role in reporting deaths

53. What does the fat man's breakdown symbolize?

a) The futility of war
b) The resilience of the human spirit
c) The strength of his beliefs
d) The ultimate acceptance of his son's death

54. How does Pirandello use dialogue to develop characters?

a) By showing their intellectual debates
b) By revealing their inner thoughts and emotions
c) By detailing their physical appearances
d) By describing their backgrounds

55. What does the fat man hope to achieve by sharing his story?

a) To find solace in others' sympathy
b) To boast about his son's heroism
c) To receive financial support
d) To recruit others for the war effort

56. What is the significance of the other passengers' silence during the fat man's speech?

a) It shows their agreement with his views
b) It reflects their respect for his grief
c) It indicates their discomfort with the topic
d) It reveals their indifference to his loss

57. What is the main theme explored in "War" by Luigi Pirandello?

a) The heroism of soldiers
b) The personal impact of war on families
c) The strategic aspects of military conflict
d) The economic consequences of war

58. How do the characters' discussions in the train compartment reflect broader societal attitudes towards war?

a) They show a unanimous support for the war effort
b) They reveal diverse and conflicting opinions about war
c) They focus solely on the economic benefits of war
d) They highlight the strategic importance of military victories

59. What does the fat man's final breakdown reveal about his true feelings?

a) He is proud of his son's sacrifice
b) He is indifferent to his son's fate
c) He cannot accept his son's death
d) He believes in the glory of war

60. What does the story "War" suggest about the nature of human resilience?

a) Humans can easily adapt to any situation
b) Resilience is a facade that hides deeper emotional pain
c) Resilience is a natural response to loss
d) Humans lack the capacity to cope with grief

61. What is the emotional climax of the story?

a) The fat man's initial speech about his son
b) The wife’s questioning of the fat man
c) The fat man's breakdown at the end
d) The arrival at their destination

62. What does the wife’s constant questioning symbolize?

a) Her denial and search for understanding
b) Her acceptance of the situation
c) Her indifference to the war
d) Her desire to leave the train

63. What literary device is prominently used in the story?

a) Foreshadowing
b) Irony
c) Metaphor
d) Simile

64. How does the setting of the train enhance the story's themes?

a) It provides a backdrop for action and adventure
b) It emphasizes the characters' emotional confinement
c) It represents freedom and escape
d) It symbolizes the journey of recovery

65. How does the fat man's perspective on his son’s death change?

a) He becomes proud of his son’s sacrifice
b) He realizes the futility of war
c) He becomes more convinced of the glory of war
d) He starts questioning his earlier beliefs

66. Why is the fat man’s final realization significant?

a) It shows he has fully accepted his son's death
b) It demonstrates the depth of his denial
c) It highlights the personal impact of war
d) It indicates he is ready to move on

67. What does the fat man’s speech reveal about his character?

a) He is deeply patriotic and proud
b) He is in denial about his grief
c) He is indifferent to his son's death
d) He seeks approval from others

68. How does the author use the train setting to explore the characters’ emotions?

a) By showing their excitement for the journey
b) By highlighting their shared experiences and grief
c) By detailing their physical discomforts
d) By focusing on their conversations with the conductor

69. What impact does the fat man’s story have on the other passengers?

a) It makes them feel proud of their own sacrifices
b) It increases their anxiety about the war
c) It evokes a deeper understanding of their own grief
d) It leads to a heated argument

70. What does the story suggest about the communal nature of grief?

a) Grief is a private and solitary experience
b) Sharing grief can lead to mutual understanding and empathY
c) Grief should be expressed through public ceremonies
d) Grief is best dealt with in isolation

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