My Grandmother's House by Kamala Das MCQ Questions and Answers 2025. W.B
1. What is the central theme of the poem "My Grandmother's House"?
a) Love and loss
b) Joy and happiness
c) Nature and beauty
d) Adventure and excitement
2. How does Kamala Das describe her grandmother's house in the poem?
a) As a grand mansion
b) As a place of nightmares c) As a house of memories
d) As a haunted house
3. What emotions does the poet feel when she thinks about her grandmother's house?
a) Anger and resentment b) Nostalgia and longing
c) Fear and anxiety
d) Indifference and apathy
4. In the poem, what symbolizes the lost happiness of the poet?
a) The books
b) The garden
c) The windows d) The snakes moving among books
5. What does the poet miss the most about her grandmother's house?
a) The garden
b) The food c) The love and warmth
d) The architecture
6. What literary device is predominantly used in the line "the house withdrew into silence"?
a) Simile
b) Metaphor c) Personification
d) Hyperbole
7. What does the poet compare her current state of mind with, in contrast to the past?
a) A bird in a cage b) A fish out of water
c) A blooming flower
d) A rootless tree
8. How does the poet describe the atmosphere in her grandmother's house?
a) Lively and vibrant b) Cold and lifeless
c) Warm and comforting
d) Noisy and chaotic
9. What does the poet wish to do if she could go back to her grandmother's house?
a) Recreate old memories
b) Change the past
c) Escape her current life d) Relive the love and happiness
10. Which literary technique is used in the phrase "armful of darkness"?
a) Alliteration
b) Irony c) Symbolism
d) Imagery
11. Which part of the house does the poet mention specifically as being a part of her memories?
a) The kitchen
b) The veranda c) The windows
d) The attic
12. What does the poet mean by the phrase "blind eyes of windows"?
a) The windows are covered
b) The windows are broken c) The windows are lifeless and abandoned
d) The windows are painted
13. How does the poet describe her feelings upon her return to her grandmother's house?
a) Excited and joyful
b) Anxious and fearful c) Melancholic and nostalgic
d) Indifferent and cold
14. What does the phrase "I who have lost my way and beg now at strangers' doors to receive love" signify?
a) The poet is homeless b) The poet is seeking love and belonging
c) The poet is begging for money
d) The poet is lost literally
15. What does the poet remember about the house when her grandmother was alive?
a) Its beauty and grandeur b) The warmth and love she felt
c) The frequent visitors
d) The delicious food
16. What does the imagery of "the darkness" represent in the poem?
a) The physical absence of light b) The poet's sorrow and loneliness
c) The nighttime
d) The neglect of the house
17. Which word best describes the tone of the poem "My Grandmother's House"?
a) Jubilant b) Reflective
c) Humorous
d) Angry
18. What does the poet use to describe the change in her life after her grandmother's death?
a) Symbolism of darkness
b) Metaphors of storms
c) Similes of coldness
d) Personification of the house
19. What is the poet's wish regarding the past, as expressed in the poem?
a) To relive the past
b) To forget the past
c) To change the past
d) To learn from the past
20. What literary device is used in the line "house withdrew into silence"?
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Hyperbole d) Personification
21. What literary device is used in the line "There is nothing to answer"?
a) Metaphor
b) Simile c) Irony
d) Personification
22. How does the poet feel about her current life compared to her life at her grandmother's house?
a) More fulfilled b) Less loved
c) Equally happy
d) More successful
23. Which of the following best describes the structure of the poem?
a) Free verse
b) Sonnet
c) Haiku
d) Limerick
24. What does the poet imply by saying "I who have lost my way"?
a) She is physically lost b) She has lost her sense of direction in life
c) She is exploring new paths
d) She is on a journey
25. Why does the poet describe the house as withdrawing "into silence"?
a) Because it is empty and neglected
b) Because it is full of people
c) Because it is being renovated
d) Because it is noisy
26. How does the poet feel when she visits her grandmother's house?
a) Overjoyed
b) Indifferent c) Overwhelmed with memories
d) Annoyed
27. What do the "snakes moving among books" symbolize in the poem?
a) Knowledge and wisdom b) Neglect and decay
c) Danger and fear
d) Adventure and exploration
28. What aspect of her grandmother's house does the poet miss the most?
a) The physical structure
b) The garden c) The sense of security and love
d) The location
29. What is the significance of the "blind eyes of windows" in the poem?
a) They represent the lack of vision b) They symbolize the poet's emotional state
c) They indicate the presence of ghosts
d) They show the house's old age
30. What does the poet want to find at strangers' doors?
a) Wealth
b) Fame c) Love and acceptance
d) Adventure
31. What is the central theme of "My Grandmother's House"?
a) Joy and celebration b) Loss and longing
c) Adventure and excitement
d) Fear and anxiety
32. What does the poet say she would do at strangers' doors?
a) Ask for directions b) Seek love and acceptance
c) Beg for food
d) Offer help
33. What does the phrase "I who have lost my way" reflect about the poet's current state?
a) She is physically lost b) She is metaphorically lost and feels disconnected
c) She is exploring new places
d) She is confident and happy
34. How does Kamala Das describe the house after her grandmother's death?
a) Lively and welcoming b) Silent and desolate
c) Bright and cheerful
d) Bustling with activity
35. What kind of memories does the poet have of her grandmother's house?
a) Painful memories
b) Indifferent memories c) Fond and warm memories
d) Negative memories
36. What literary device is predominantly used in the poem "My Grandmother's House"?
a) Alliteration b) Personification
c) Hyperbole
d) Simile
37. What does the poet mean by "I who have lost my way and beg now at strangers' doors"?
a) She is physically lost and needs help b) She is emotionally lost and seeking love and belonging from others
c) She is looking for a new house
d) She is seeking financial assistance
38. How does the poet feel about her current life in comparison to her time at her grandmother's house?
a) More fulfilled and happy b) Less loved and more isolated
c) Equally content
d) Indifferent
39. What do the "blind eyes of windows" in the poet's grandmother's house symbolize?
a) The closed and lifeless state of the house
b) The new occupants of the house
c) The poet's vision problems
d) The absence of windows in the house
40. What is the significance of the house being in "darkness"?
a) It represents the lack of electricity b) It symbolizes the poet's grief and emotional darkness
c) It indicates that the house is abandoned at night
d) It shows the poet's fear of the dark
41. What does the poet's grandmother's house represent in the poem?
a) A place of fear b) A place of warmth and love
c) A place of learning
d) A place of mystery
42. What is the significance of the "darkness" mentioned in the poem?
a) It represents night time
b) It symbolizes ignorance c) It signifies the poet's inner emptiness and sorrow
d) It denotes secrecy
43. What literary technique is used in the phrase "I who have lost my way"?
a) Simile
b) Alliteration c) Metaphor
d) Hyperbole
44. What does the poet miss about her grandmother's house the most?
a) The physical comfort b) The love and affection she received there
c) The food
d) The furniture
45. What does the poet want to do at strangers' doors?
a) Ask for food b) Seek love and acceptance
c) Beg for money
d) Offer help
46. How does Kamala Das describe her feelings about the house in the present?
a) As a place of joy
b) As a haunted place
c) As a desolate and empty place
d) As a place full of memories
47. What does the poet compare the house to in the poem?
a) A palace b) A sanctuary
c) A graveyard
d) A cage
48. What emotional state is depicted by the poet in the poem?
a) Happiness and contentment
b) Anger and resentment c) Sadness and nostalgia
d) Fear and anxiety
49. What is the tone of the poem "My Grandmother's House"?
a) Joyful b) Reflective and melancholic
c) Angry
d) Excited
50. Why does the poet mention "begging at strangers' doors"?
a) To show her physical poverty b) To express her need for love and acceptance
c) To highlight her adventurous spirit
d) To indicate her financial struggles
51. What is the mood of the poem "My Grandmother's House"?
a) Joyful b) Mournful
c) Angry
d) Indifferent
52. What does the poet compare her longing to in the poem?
a) A child's dream b) A beggar's plight
c) A lover's desire
d) A soldier's duty
53. Which figure of speech is used in "even now, when I am alone"?
a) Metaphor
b) Personification
c) Simile d) Alliteration
54. What does the poet miss the most about her grandmother's house?
a) The physical structure b) The memories and love
c) The garden
d) The neighborhood
55. How does the poet describe her state of mind in the poem?
a) Confident and happy b) Lonely and yearning
c) Angry and resentful
d) Fearful and anxious
56. What literary device is used in "the house withdrew into silence"?
a) Simile
b) Metaphor c) Personification
d) Hyperbole
57. Why does the poet mention "begging" at strangers' doors?
a) To show her financial struggles b) To express her emotional desperation
c) To highlight her adventurous spirit
d) To indicate her physical hunger
58. What does the poet mean by "I who have lost my way"?
a) She is physically lost b) She has lost her sense of purpose and belonging
c) She is exploring new paths
d) She is seeking new adventures
59. What does the word "desolate" in the poem refer to?
a) The poet's current home b) The abandoned state of her grandmother's house
c) The neighborhood around the house
d) The poet's mental state
60. How does the poet feel when she visits her grandmother's house in her memories?
a) Joyful and content b) Sad and nostalgic
c) Indifferent and detached
d) Fearful and anxious
61. What does the poet imply by saying, "the house withdrew into silence"?
a) The house was physically moved b) The house became quiet and empty
c) The house was filled with noise
d) The house was demolished
62. What literary device is used in the line "there is no house now, no shadow"?
a) Simile
b) Metaphor c) Personification
d) Hyperbole
63. How does the poet describe her grandmother's house in her memories?
a) As a place of suffering b) As a place of joy and warmth
c) As a place of indifference
d) As a place of fear
64. What does the phrase "a blind eyes of windows" symbolize in the poem?
a) The poet's inability to see clearly b) The lifeless and abandoned state of the house
c) The house's architectural design
d) The poet's fear of darkness
65. What does the poet wish to do when she feels "beggared of love"?
a) Return to her grandmother's house
b) Move to a new city
c) Find new relationships
d) Escape her memories
66. What is the significance of the poem's title "My Grandmother's House"?
a) It represents the poet's childhood home b) It symbolizes the poet's sense of loss and longing for love
c) It indicates a place of conflict
d) It refers to a place of adventure
67. What does the poet mean by "the house withdrew into silence"?
a) The house became abandoned and quiet after her grandmother's death
b) The house was physically moved
c) The house was noisy
d) The house was sold
68. How does the poet describe her emotional state in the present?
a) Happy and content b) Sad and longing
c) Angry and resentful
d) Indifferent and detached
69. Which word best describes the overall tone of the poem?
a) Joyful b) Reflective
c) Energetic
d) Excited
70. What does the poet compare her need for love to?
a) A beggar's plea
b) A child's dream
c) A warrior's fight
d) A scholar's quest