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My Grandmother’s House by Kamala Das Short Questions and Answers 2025




My Grandmother’s House by Kamala Das Short Questions and Answers 2025

Important Questions

1. Who is the poet of the poem “My Grandmother’s House”?

Answer: The poet of the poem “My Grandmother’s House” is Kamala Das.

2. What does the poet long for in the poem?

Answer: The poet longs for the love and warmth she experienced at her grandmother’s house during her childhood.

3. Where was the poet’s grandmother’s house located?

Answer: The poet’s grandmother’s house was located in Malabar, Kerala.

4. What does the poet describe about her grandmother’s house?

Answer: The poet describes her grandmother’s house as a place of happiness, comfort, and love, which she misses deeply.

5.How does the poet feel after her grandmother’s death?

Answer: After her grandmother’s death, the poet feels a deep sense of loss and emptiness as the house is no longer the same without her grandmother.

6. What symbolizes the poet’s lost happiness in the poem?

Answer: The poet’s lost happiness is symbolized by the darkness and silence that now pervade the grandmother’s house.

7. What does the poet want to do if she could visit her grandmother’s house again?

Answer: The poet wants to look through the windows of her grandmother’s house to recapture some of the love and happiness she experienced there.

8. What does the phrase “blind eyes of windows” suggest in the poem?

Answer: The phrase “blind eyes of windows” suggests the lifeless and vacant appearance of the house, reflecting the poet’s sense of loss and nostalgia.

9. Why does the poet say she has “begged at strangers’ doors”?

Answer: The poet says she has “begged at strangers’ doors” to express her desperate search for love and acceptance after losing the warmth of her grandmother’s house.

10. How does the poem reflect Kamala Das’s typical style?

Answer: The poem reflects Kamala Das’s typical style through its confessional tone, emotional intensity, and exploration of personal themes like loss, longing, and the search for identity and love.

11. What does the poet mean by “snakes moving among books”?

Answer: The phrase “snakes moving among books” symbolizes the neglect and decay of the house after her grandmother’s death, indicating how the house has been abandoned and forgotten.

12. How does the poet describe her feelings towards her present life compared to the past?

Answer: The poet feels a sense of emptiness and lack of love in her present life compared to the warmth and affection she experienced at her grandmother’s house in the past.

13. What is the significance of the “darkness” mentioned in the poem?

Answer: The “darkness” signifies the poet’s sorrow and the void left by her grandmother’s absence, as well as the literal and metaphorical emptiness in the house and in her life.

14. What role does nostalgia play in the poem?

Answer: Nostalgia plays a central role in the poem as the poet reminisces about her childhood memories at her grandmother’s house, highlighting her longing for the past and the emotional refuge it provided.

15. How does the poet use imagery to convey her emotions?

Answer: The poet uses vivid imagery, such as “blind eyes of windows” and “darkness,” to evoke a sense of loss and abandonment, effectively conveying her deep emotional pain and yearning for her grandmother’s love.

16. What does the poet imply by wanting to “peer through blind eyes of windows”?

Answer: The poet implies her desire to reconnect with her past and relive the moments of love and joy she experienced at her grandmother’s house, despite knowing that it is no longer possible.

17. How does Kamala Das portray the theme of love and loss in the poem?

Answer: Kamala Das portrays the theme of love and loss through her recollection of the affectionate bond she shared with her grandmother and the profound sense of loss she feels after her grandmother’s death, which leaves an irreplaceable void in her life.

18. What is the tone of the poem “My Grandmother’s House”?

Answer: The tone of the poem is melancholic and nostalgic, as the poet reflects on her past happiness and the deep sorrow she feels in her present life.

19. Why does the poet refer to herself as “begging” for love?

Answer: The poet refers to herself as “begging” for love to emphasize her desperation and vulnerability after losing the unconditional love and comfort she once had at her grandmother’s house.

20. How does the poem “My Grandmother’s House” reflect Kamala Das’s personal experiences?

Answer: The poem reflects Kamala Das’s personal experiences by delving into her childhood memories, the emotional impact of her grandmother’s death, and her ongoing quest for love and belonging in her adult life.
My Grandmother's House by Kamala Das

21. What does the poet remember about the atmosphere of her grandmother’s house?

Answer: The poet remembers the atmosphere of her grandmother’s house as being filled with love, warmth, and comfort, which she deeply misses.

22. How does the poet use contrast in the poem?

Answer: The poet uses contrast by comparing the warmth and love she felt at her grandmother’s house with the coldness and lack of love in her current life.

23. What is the significance of the line “I who have lost my way and beg now at strangers’ doors”?

Answer: This line signifies the poet’s sense of disorientation and loneliness after losing the love and security of her grandmother’s house, making her feel like a beggar in search of affection.

24. What kind of imagery does the poet use to describe the grandmother’s house?

Answer: The poet uses vivid and evocative imagery such as “darkness,” “blind eyes of windows,” and “snakes moving among books” to convey the eerie and desolate state of the house after her grandmother’s death.

25. How does the poem reflect the theme of time and memory?

Answer: The poem reflects the theme of time and memory by highlighting the poet’s longing for her past and the stark contrast between her cherished memories and her present desolate reality.

26. What does the poet imply by saying that the house “has become desolate”?

Answer: The poet implies that the house, once filled with life and love, has now become empty and abandoned, mirroring her own feelings of loneliness and loss.

27. How does Kamala Das convey a sense of loss in the poem?

Answer: Kamala Das conveys a sense of loss through her mournful tone, the depiction of the decaying house, and her expressions of yearning for the love and warmth she experienced in her childhood.

28. What role does the grandmother play in the poet’s life, as depicted in the poem?

Answer: In the poem, the grandmother plays a pivotal role as a source of unconditional love, comfort, and security for the poet, whose loss leaves a profound impact on her life.

29. How does the poem explore the concept of home?

Answer: The poem explores the concept of home as a place of emotional refuge and unconditional love, which the poet finds in her grandmother’s house, contrasting with her current sense of alienation and longing.

30. What literary devices does Kamala Das use in the poem?

Answer: Kamala Das uses literary devices such as imagery, metaphor, contrast, and symbolism to convey the emotional depth of her longing and loss.

31. What does the phrase “the house withdrew into silence” signify?

Answer: The phrase “the house withdrew into silence” signifies the lifelessness and emptiness that took over the house after the death of the poet’s grandmother, indicating a sense of abandonment and loss.

32. How does the poet’s memory of her grandmother’s house influence her present life?

Answer: The poet’s memory of her grandmother’s house influences her present life by making her acutely aware of the love and warmth she has lost, causing her to feel a profound sense of longing and emptiness.

33. What does the poet wish to recapture by revisiting her grandmother’s house?

Answer: The poet wishes to recapture the love, warmth, and sense of belonging she experienced in her childhood by revisiting her grandmother’s house.

34. What is the significance of the “books” mentioned in the poem?

Answer: The “books” in the poem signify knowledge and memories that are now neglected and gathering dust, symbolizing the decay and abandonment of the once lively and loving household.

35. How does the poem reflect the poet’s inner emotional state?

Answer: The poem reflects the poet’s inner emotional state of longing, sadness, and nostalgia for the love and warmth she once knew, contrasting sharply with her present feelings of isolation and emptiness.

36. How does Kamala Das use the setting of the grandmother’s house to convey her themes?

Answer: Kamala Das uses the setting of the grandmother’s house to convey themes of love, loss, and nostalgia by depicting it as a symbol of her past happiness and contrasting it with her current state of emotional desolation.

37. What does the poet mean by “I listen for the laughter of years past”?

Answer: By “I listen for the laughter of years past,” the poet means that she longs to hear the joyful sounds of her childhood, which are now just memories that haunt her in her present life.

38. Why does the poet feel a sense of guilt or regret in the poem?

Answer: The poet feels a sense of guilt or regret because she is unable to relive the past or bring back the love and warmth she experienced at her grandmother’s house, leaving her feeling helpless and sorrowful.

39. How does the poem address the theme of mortality?

Answer: The poem addresses the theme of mortality by reflecting on the death of the poet’s grandmother and the subsequent decay and silence of her house, symbolizing the inevitable passage of time and loss.

40. How does the poet express the idea of unfulfilled desires in the poem?

Answer: The poet expresses the idea of unfulfilled desires by longing to revisit her grandmother’s house and recapture the past love and happiness, knowing that it is an impossible wish, thus highlighting her sense of yearning and sorrow.




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